Mary is the icon of holiness. As the mother of Jesus, Mary is a saint par excellence, beyond an emblematic or symbolic status; she embodies holiness in its fullness. Mary's holiness is the fruit of her faith in Jesus, her savior. Full of grace, Mary opened herself entirely to the will of God: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word" (Lk 1: 38). Conceived immaculately, Mary, in her sinless condition conceived, bore and raised her Lord who conquers sin forever. She is the subject of Micah's prophecy in this Sunday's first reading: the one " who is to give birth has borne, and the rest of his kindred shall return to the children of Israel" (Mi 5:2). Mary fulfills the prophecy of Micah when she gave birth to Jesus in Nazareth. She accomplished her purpose on earth because she was full of grace, and in responding to grace, she believed God's word and did God's will.
"Full of grace," Mary is "the most excellent fruit of redemption" (SC 103). We can also consider Mary an image of Christ because she spent her life doing God's will, like her Son and Savior. Christ came to the world to do the will of his Father: when Christ "came into the world he said: behold, I come to do your will, O God" (Heb 10:5, 7). Jesus emphasized his mother's fiat above all things in his response to the woman who said to Jesus, "Blessed is the womb that bore you," by saying, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it" (Lk 11:28).
Jesus would want us to learn the art of living for Him from his mother. As we prepare for the coming of Christ, let us ask Mary to teach us how to yield to Jesus. Mary is the first to believe and prepare for the coming of Jesus. Elizabeth recognizes Mary's faith when she says: "Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled" (Lk 1: 45). The Blessed Virgin Mary is our mother and teacher. We will grow in faith if we approach and pray for her help. Let us call her blessed as Elizabeth did when we say the Hail Mary. Pray the Hail Mary often, and her intercession will obtain you from her son the grace you need to grow in holiness that befits your state in life.
We will begin the Christmas season in a few days. Let us long for the coming of Christ into our hearts and lives. We have masses scheduled for Christmas vigil and Christmas Day; make it a priority to attend with devotion.
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! (Jn 22:20).
In Christ,
Fr. Bernard Alayode, OP