The parish of St. Peter's relies greatly on our parish ministries to There are currently many stewardship opportunities available within the parish. If you are not already involved in a parish ministry, please use prayerfully consider where your time and talents may be of assistance.
Adult Choir |
St. Peter Adult Choir provides spiritual leadership at Mass through music. Our commission is to lead the assembly in full, active participation in the music of our liturgy. Prior musical training is not required. We rehearse weekly and sing three weekends each month, September through May. New members are welcome anytime.
Contact Michael Checco, email him at [email protected]. |
Adult Education |
Our Religious Education program is not just for our children. We have a great need in our parish to fulfill our obligation to the adult community. Our purpose is to provide education and spiritual formation in the Catholic faith to all members of our parish family. This encompasses who we are, what we believe and how we live out those beliefs. Many hands are needed and the opportunities for growth are great. Adult Ed Coordinator, Vacation Bible School Program Coordinator, Confirmation Service Hours Leader, Advent, Christmas, Lent, & Easter Special Program Leaders - the list is quite long. We also have a great need for support people to assist the leaders of the various programs in many different capacities. Religious Education is a very rewarding adventure! Please respond to Christ's call! "Here I am Lord, I come to do your will…”
Altar Ministries |
Are you going into 4th through 12th grade? Want to help out, but don’t know how? Become an Altar Server! We are in great need of additional servers. Training sessions will be held during July for the September schedule. Altar servers play a very important roll in the Mass assisting Father and it is a great stewardship of faith and time. Please prayerfully consider becoming an altar server.
If interested, please contact Cynthia Gulya 717-342-9335 or e[email protected]. |
Baptism Mentors |
Expectant parents who wish to have their child baptized are required to meet with a mentor couple prior to the sacrament date, or before the arrival of the child, or if the unbaptized child is older. The mentor couple will facilitate the process of baptism to ensure a glorious day for the family. The mentors will meet with the expectant parents for a single meeting and they will view a 15 minute video showing the theological benefits of baptism and to discuss the process per St. Peter Parish.
Parishioners who wish to become mentors should contact Jessica & Josh Capelli, 717-808-5046 and expectant parents should contact the parish office at 717-367-1255 to schedule a mentoring meeting. |
Bereavement |
The Bereavement Ministry Team is committed to providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support and comfort to individuals and families in the parish who have lost loved ones. Members of this ministry serve Funeral Masses, present a Mass Card to the family and make home visitations when needed. They also plan the Remembrance Mass on November 2nd, the Feast of All Souls. Invitations are sent to the deceased member’s family and special hand-made mementos are presented to the family. Throughout the year special booklets on grieving are mailed to the bereaved families for their emotional and spiritual support. At this time, we do not have a Support group in house, however we can recommend a support group at one of our neighboring Catholic Churches.
How can I help? Help is always needed with serving the funeral mass, going on home visitations, and making the mementos. If interested, please contact Amie Barone at 717-367-9761 or [email protected] |
St. Peter Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is our local Parish organization affiliated with the Harrisburg Diocesan Council and the National Council of Catholic Women. Our mission is to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service and to inspire and promote gospel values in a constantly changing world. We meet on the 2nd Monday in September due to the Labor Day holiday. We then generally hold our meetings the 1st Monday of every month from October through June. We may additionally provide a variety of other programs that support our mission throughout the year. Prayer, fellowship, food, and fun are always a part of everything we do. Our CCW sponsored St. Peter’s Funnel Cake Stand has become a much looked forward to treat each August at the Elizabethtown Fair. Look for our annual CCW pamphlet for specific information and come join us!
How can I help? ... For more information, please contact the CCW President: Jennifer Miller at [email protected] |
Cleaning Ministry |
Cleaning teams clean on Fridays and Saturdays. If you would like to volunteer for a cleaning team please call the parish office, 717-367-1255. We could always use help.
Elizabeth Ministry |
Are you a mother, grandmother or great-grandmother? Share your love of children, your pregnancy experiences, and your nurturing instincts by serving the women of our parish through meals for new mothers, post natal support, adoption assistance, transportation to appointments, visiting elderly parishioners, new baby visits, miscarriage support, and other outreach services. All are invited to monthly meetings, and to assist on committees. For more information call the Parish Office.
Eucharistic Ministers |
We are in much need of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion as the Holy Eucharist is offered under both forms. We would like to have enough ministers on the schedule so you only serve once a month. If you wish to serve more often, that is an option we can fulfill. As an Extraordinary Minister you do sit with your family during most of the Mass. As you are attending Mass anyway, would you please help us?
If interested, call the parish office or Joseph Barone at 717-367-9761. All Extraordinary Ministers must attend a training session prior to serving a Mass. |
Finance Council |
The role of the Finance Council is to advise the Pastor in financial matters of the parish and creating the Annual Budget.
Goldies |
The Goldies is a group of Senior Citizen (over age 60) parishioners of St. Peter Parish who believe that we are the “Young at Heart” group. We enjoy each other’s company at monthly dinner or luncheon meetings at local restaurants where we share our wisdom, talents and faith with each other. We welcome any seniors to come and join us because we always have some fun stuff happening. For more information, please call the Parish Office.
Handmaids |
The Handmaid’s of Mary is a service oriented group for 3rd-6th grade girls who are devoted to learning about our Blessed Mother-especially her virtues. Each meeting is theme based and packed with prayer, service, games, crafts and fellowship. If you are interested in making a difference in the lives of others, than this is the group for you.
If you wish to join us for fun, fellowship, and creating service projects, please contact Krista Snyder at 717-361-9578 or [email protected]. |
History & Archives |
Responsibilities of the Parish History and Archives Ministry include preserving sacramental records, maintaining records of parish ministries and organizations, collecting and identifying photographs, collecting and preserving parish-related sacred goods and historical facts, responding to genealogy requests, maintaining the new church display cases, and sharing information about our history. All parishioners are invited to become involved with this ministry as a whole or some aspect of it.
How can I help? If interested, please contact Eileen Rider at the parish office at 717-397-1255. There is much to do in whatever area you choose and many hands make light work and the rewards are heavenly! |
Inclusion |
The Inclusion Ministry works primarily to support those in the parish who have disabilities or other special needs. We attempt to work with all members/organizations of the church to insure that all may participate in the life of the church to the fullness they wish, whether it be during Mass, or social or spiritual activities. In particular, the Diocese of Harrisburg holds a Mass for Persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, which our ministry works closely with the parish office to promote the time and place for the Mass. Three times a year, our ministry conducts a “Respite Night” for families of children with special needs and families who have a parent with a disability or chronic illness. Children participate in a fun evening at church with games, crafts, singing and more, while parents can have some free time for a date night of their choosing. All activities are geared to the interests and abilities of the children attending. Siblings are welcome and encouraged to attend. Respite events are for children aged 2 and over. There is a low child to adult ratio and all children with special needs have a one-on-one buddy.
How can I help? If you are interested in volunteering your time and talent to the Inclusion Ministry, please contact Theresa Yoder at 717-333-6820 or email her at [email protected] for more information. Volunteers are needed to staff the Respite Nights and no prior experience is needed. Adults will need Diocesan Clearance badges. Also available is A Parish Guide for Parishes, a very informative booklet on General Tips for Welcome and Inclusion, published by the Diocese of Harrisburg. |
Knights of Columbus |
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s organization founded by Fr. Michael J, McGivney in 1882. This fraternal order operates on the principles of charity, unity,
fraternity, and patriotism. We live out these principles by supporting the mission of St. Peter’s Parish as it meets the temporal and spiritual needs of our fellow parishioners and the larger community. Council 15028 was founded as a new council in 2010 in our home Parish of Saint Peter Church in Elizabethtown, Pa. All men interested in becoming a Knight, or in transferring membership to our council, please contact any of our officers or members, or to stop by before one of our meetings. We meet on the fourth (last) Thursday of each month. Meetings begin at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center. The meetings are generally concluded by 8:00 p.m. with a brief social period and refreshments. Please contact Dr Gregory Martin at 717-361-7712 or email [email protected] for more information about meetings and events. More information at |
Marriage Mentors |
These volunteer mentors work with engaged couples in preparation for the sacrament of marriage. The mentors use prepared materials provided by the Diocese of Harrisburg and generally meet six times with the engaged couple.
Contact: Fr. Bernard Oniwe at the Parish Office at 717-367-1255 if you are interested in becoming a mentor couple. |
Men's Club |
MISSION STATEMENT: To foster the spiritual and social development of the men of Saint Peter's church through fellowship. The organization will support the mission and needs of the church, its parishioners and the communities served.
St. Peter’s Men’s Club, organized in 1994, has a large membership of active parish members. Our mission is to provide help and assistance for the parish family with the talents we have available within our members. “Fun and Friendship” is the theme we promote as we look to grow toward the future. Membership is open to all male parishioners 18 years and older. Monthly meetings are held in the Parish Center on the second Sunday of every month. Many of the planned activities include Penn State Football trips, Golf events, Elizabethtown Fair Fry Truck, Arts in the Park, Breakfast at Country Meadows, and other favorite events. For more information or to join please contact Mike Minick at 717-367-5370 or email [email protected]. |
Mother's Group |
The Mothers Group of St. Peter supports mothers as they raise their children in the Catholic faith. We are here to nourish and encourage each other in our maternal vocation. United in prayer, we strive to exemplify our ideal model, our Blessed Mother Mary.
Mothers Group of Saint Peter Church welcomes mothers of all ages (with children of all ages!) to our monthly meetings. Topics of discussion include social, charitable, educational, and spiritual themes. Please join us for a morning together, sharing the joys of the gift God gave us in our maternal vocation. Babysitting is provided in the nursery during all of our meetings. For more information, please contact Theresa Yoder at 653-0834 or Amy Bolesky at 717-575-2469. |
Nursery |
Our goal is to staff the Nursery every week, rotating Mass times. We are always in need of volunteers for this ministry. If interested, please contact the Parish Office at 717-367-1255.
Pastoral Council |
The role of the Pastoral Council is to consult with the Pastor regarding the needs of the parish.
Prayer Chain/Rosary |
St. Peter’s Prayer Chain is a network that reaches throughout our parish community. All intentions made known to us are prayed for by all who wish to participate. Take advantage of the power of communal prayer and join us in lifting up personal and family needs and the needs of our community and the world.
How can I help? Call the parish office 717-367-1255 with your prayer request or email Eileen Rider at [email protected]. St. Peter’s Rosary group meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 P.M. in the Church during the months of September through May. All are welcome to come and pray and join in the recitation of the holy rosary. For more information, please call the Parish Office. |
O.C.I.A. |
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.) is the process whereby adults are initiated into full communion with the Catholic Church. RCIA offers a series of weekly study, prayer, and reflective presentations developed to provide non-Catholics with a greater understanding of the Catholic faith.
Additionally, if parents have children or young teens who are not baptized or who are baptized but have not received their Sacraments of First Penance, First Communion, or Confirmation, the RCIC program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) is for them. This is done through the Religious Ed program and a weekly class is held from September to the Easter Vigil to prepare them for the reception of the sacraments. RCIA also provides a great opportunity for those married into a Catholic family to learn about the Catholic faith without any obligation of conversion. This class meets on Monday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. from September through May. How can I help? The RCIA has a hospitality committee that is responsible for setting up before Thursday classes, preparing snacks and beverages, and assisting with retreat preparations and luncheons. Volunteers are needed in various capacities for the RCIA program. If you wish to learn about how you can be of assistance, please contact Vickie Kern at 717- 439-7955 or [email protected]. |
Red Belles |
The Red Belles is a unique “disorganized” group of woman of a certain age who gather together to share one another’s lives and who like to laugh and have fun. We make constructive choices that emphasize the positive aspects of growing older. We cultivate every bit of joy, love and fun that we can find. Our monthly activities include attending the theater, going out for dinner, movies, bowling, mini-golf, artistic enterprises and just about anything that we can conjure up! We welcome any ladies who might be interested in our group. For more information, please call the Parish Office.
Religious Education |
The Religious Education Program at St. Peter provides religious instruction to Catholic children who are attending public school. Our classes are focused on educating children about the faith, developing a personal and lifelong relationship with Jesus, and preparing for reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. In addition to Mass, Religious Education attendance is vital each year to your children’s formation as Catholics. Weekly RE Classes begin in September with PreK4 through 6th Grade Classes on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:35PM and Confirmation Preparation Classes for 7th and 8th Grade students on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8PM. We welcome all volunteers who wish to be a part of this meaningful and rewarding ministry; all catechists and aides are required to have Diocesan clearances.
f you are interested in joining the team or have additional questions, please contact Georgann Azzalina by email: [email protected]. |
Respect Life |
“Created, Loved, Redeemed by God. An invitation to become involved either prayerfully or actively, to respect all human life from cradle to grave.”
Our ministry coordinates with other churches to obtain bus transportation to the Pro-Life Walk in January to Washington D.C. We also hold an Annual Super Bowl Soup & Sub Sale that includes a Silent Auction for weeks preceding the Super Bowl in the Narthex of the Church. Proceeds go to St. Vincent de Paul the and the Elizabethtown Food Cupboard. In addition a we conduct a Rosary honoring Mary in the month of May after the 9:00 A.M. Mass. For more information, please contact Pat Minnick at 717-367-5370 or by email at [email protected]; or Evelyn Weston at 717-367-4657 or email [email protected]. |
Spirituality Committee |
God created us with body and soul and both need to be nourished for growth. The Spirituality Committee searches to find food for spiritual nourishment in hope that we experience God’s love and friendship in increasing quality and quantity. Our committee sponsors monthly Adoration, the Corpus Christi procession, parish missions and other special spiritual events.
How can I help? Come join us at 7:30 P.M. the second Monday of each month in the Parish Center. All are invited to attend. For more information, please email Cindy Barr at [email protected]. |
St. Vincent De Paul Society |
This ministry offers tangible assistance to those in need of financial and spiritual services through our person-to-person contact. We handle all requests that come through the Parish Office and every request is kept confidential. Our ministry meets the first Sunday of the month. Financial contributions are always welcome. We also conduct the Angel of Hope Program that provides Christmas gifts for the children of parishioners in need and for some families within our community at large. This is a highly successful program in which the parishioners give so generously from their hearts and pockets.
How can I help? New members are always welcome and for the Angel of Hope program there is a need for volunteer parishioners to assist with the planning, assigning, and sorting the bundles of gifts as they come into the church. More information can be obtained from Andy Gladfelter via email [email protected]. |
Ushers |
These ministries include Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, Altar Servers, and Nursery Helpers. The St. Peter Usher Team! is open to all men and women 16 years of age or older. You can control when you serve on a schedule that is produced every three months. If you have altar servers, lector, or a Eucharistic Minister in your family, you can all be scheduled for the same Mass.
Please join us, we need your help. Interested? Call John Gulya at 717- 693-2195 or via email: [email protected]. |
Vocations Committee |
One of the problems facing the Church today is an insufficient number of men and women entering religious life. The Vocations Committee seeks to foster an
awareness of vocations within our parish, to encourage people to prayerfully consider what their vocation is, and to work within the parish community to encourage ongoing prayer for priestly and religious vocations. Every year the Diocese hosts and funds two special retreats for those considering a religious vocation: Quo Vadis Days (for the men) is usually held in June and Fiat Days (for the women) is usually held in July. Both retreats are held at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. For more information, please contact Fr. Bernard Oniwe at the Parish Office at 717-367-1255 or reach out to the Vocations Office at (717) 657-4804 or via email: [email protected]. |
Welcoming Committee |
The Welcoming Committee contacts new parishioners and inquires how they are settling in to their new home and church family. The parish office provides them with a Welcoming packet, which contains this Ministry Booklet that offers information about the parish, its various organizations and church activities as well as a current bulletin, available ministry schedules, and other church related items. The Ministry Booklet presents many opportunities to become involved in the life of St. Peter Parish and describes various ways new members can volunteer their services.
How can I help? If you are interested contact Eileen Rider at the Parish Office 717-367-1255 for more information. |
Youth Ministry |