"The Lord bless you and keep you!” (Nm 6:24).
On January 1, the octave day of the Nativity of the Lord, the Church liturgy celebrates the most ancient feast of Mary, the commemoration of her divine maternity and perpetual virginity. As we come to honor the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy, we ask for her special motherly advocacy with her son and savior to bestow his blessings upon us as we begin a new year. So may her Son, born to save us, bless and keep you all always in his love in the new year. May He be gracious to you and smile upon your soul.
In the name of the entire parish staff, I want to thank you for all you have done to support the parish in the past year, despite the hard times we all went through. Your faith and selfless giving of time, money and talents are appreciated.
Christmas was awesome! It was nice to see many new faces and familiar ones as well. Thanks for all your cards, cookies and Christmas gifts to me. I say a huge thank you to all the volunteers and ministers at the altar- Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, altar servers, lectors, cantors, musicians, choirs, ushers, streamers, etc. I am thankful for all the support and giving by all the societies, especially the Men's Club, CCW, Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent DePaul, Youth group, CCD, OCIA (RCIA), Bible study group, St. Michael's Guard, Parish Council, Finance Council, and many others not mentioned here. With the support of everyone, we have done marvelous things in 2022.
With the prayers of our Blessed Mother, Mary Most Holy, I pray we do more extraordinary things in the new year 2023. I appeal to those who have stayed away since the covid outbreak in 2020 to consider returning physically to mass. Your pew is empty and needs you back. Please, come back and do what God created you for, the worship of Eucharistic Jesus.
Have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
In His Joy,
Fr. Bernard Oniwe, OP