Invitation to Banquets of Graces
The focus of this Sunday’s Mass Gospel is on an invitation to a wedding feast. Jesus likens God’s Kingdom to a feast that guests are invited to. This invitation is an open one, many are summoned, and they refused to come (see Matthew 22:1-2). We can compare this to the Eucharistic banquet that we are invited to every Sunday, but many cannot come for good reasons, the pandemic precisely. We have been trying to tackle that problem by streaming masses from our laptop and phone. Because the Eucharistic feast is deserving of the best, we have improved on the process of streaming masses. We installed cameras for live streaming of Sunday masses and other liturgical events a few days ago! I am excited!! This means we now have a state of the art capacity to live-stream liturgical celebrations from the church sanctuary.
Next Sunday is the World Mission Sunday. I want to thank you for your generous giving during the pandemics. I would not want to overburden you or be insensitive, but this is a major contribution that helps the universal church serve the needs of thousands of mission churches worldwide so that faith continues to thrive there. Please consider this invitation to give a priority as you have done in the past. Thank you.
I am excited at the kick-off program for our Youth ministry this afternoon from 1-4 pm. With the hope for pleasant weather, the outdoor program geared to build up our youth faith and presence in the church will bless our parish.
Again, the month of October is the month of the Holy Rosary and Respect Life. We prayed the Holy Rosary at 7:30 am at the historic church on the memorial of the Our Lady of the Rosary, and I hope to continue the devotion throughout October. In the same spirit, the Rosary Rally will hold today outside the historic church at 4 pm. The Rosary Rally is another opportunity to pray for respect for all human life from conception to a natural end. We are doing a lot to live up to our parish mission. I now invite you to be my guests at these banquets of graces the parish is hosting.
In Christ and Mary,
Fr. Bernard, OP