Dear Brothers and Sister,
Love, And Do what You Will.
I am a fan of St. Augustine’s principle of love. In a famous quote from one of his homilies, he says, “Love, and do what you will.” The full section is as follows:
“Once for all, then, a short precept is given thee: Love, and do what thou wilt: whether thou hold thy peace, through love hold thy peace; whether thou cry out, through love cry out; whether thou correct, through love correct; whether thou spare, through love do thou spare: let the root of love be within, of this root can nothing spring but what is good” (St. Augustine, Commentary on 1 Jn 4: 4-12).
St. Augustine’s precept flows effortlessly into Jesus’ injunction to us today to love God and neighbor. Once we have the true love of God as a basis and motivation, God will accept all our actions toward others. In this light, I want to thank once again all of you who prayed for Respect for Life during October. Thanks go to our Respect Life Ministry, who led us in the recitation of the Rosary every Sunday after the 8:30 am Mass. Thanks to Patti Becker, who led us in the Rosary Rally in front of the Historic Church. Thanks to Pat Minick, who helped plant the flags symbolic and in remembrance of millions of unborn babies that have been murdered in our world. Thanks to Mike & Jeanne Cassidy, who shared holy cards of St. Martin de Porres, patron saint of health workers and those seeking social and racial justice. Thanks to all who came in early for Daily Masses to join me in praying Rosary for life. Thanks for all the acts of love.
It is Halloween next weekend. Remember that its root is Catholic. It is the eve of all Saints, which falls on Sunday this year. As you celebrate with family and friends, be wary of all the witches and vampires costumes and decors, even if it is for fun. Remember never to do anything that fails to glorify God and help in your soul and others' salvation. We are going to celebrate masses for All Souls day next week as well. Be attentive to the coming month when we pray for our faithful departed. Thinking of death, what a full circle it has been for me. This past week, I had a Baptism for Milo Graham. Before then, I had the privilege of offering a prayer service for Bob and Sue Schlosser’s 40th marriage anniversary. Just a few days ago, I helped Patrick Boylan on his journey back to his Creator. All these moments are steeped in the love of God. In death or life, we belong to God, who loves us and calls us to love and do whatever we will.
Choose someone to love and pray for this week.
In Christ who loves us,
Fr. Bernard, OP