Blessed Are You Who Believed
As Advent draws to a close, it is time to lift our minds and hearts in watchful hope for the fulfillment of God’s promise. Mary is our advent guide to faith in God who keeps promises. Mary travels in haste to the house of Zecharia, to a town in Judah, led by faith in the message revealed to her by angel Gabriel concerning Elizabeth. Greetings are exchanged between the two women, the infant leaped for joy in the womb of Elizabeth, two women of faith attest to God who fulfills his promises. Mary is blessed among women because of her faith, because of her fiat- let it be done to me according to your will. It is through Mary’s yes to God that God took flesh in our world. Elizabeth and the child in her womb, John the Baptist, came to this recognition. The hope of Israel is fulfilled. God has visited his people because Mary believed in God and acted on her faith.
As Christmas draws near let us pray for the same faith that Mary had, faith that opens our “lives to the Spirit of God.” Let us pray for our hearts to soften and open to the word of faith that is proclaimed to us. The word of life that took flesh in Mary’s womb because her mind and heart were disposed to God’s promise. Because Mary believed, the word took flesh in her womb, and she is honored as blessed. At mass, Jesus will take flesh and in the Sacred Host will come into our body just as he did in the womb of the Blessed Mother. We need the same faith that Mary had to accept the presence of the true body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist. Jesus takes life in us when we receive him with total faith and abandonment in the Eucharist.
During our Advent mission this Sunday evening, titled Advent’s Journey of Hope, Mark Forrest will be using his gifts of inspirational voice and prophetic words to guide us to saying yes to Jesus, welcoming his reign in our lives, and helping each of us say, “Behold, I come to do your will, O God” (Heb. 10:7). PLEASE ATTEND!
In His Heart, Fr. Bernard, OP