Go to your Guardian Angel and the Blessed Virgin Mary
“Angel of God, my guardian dear. To whom his love God commits me here; Ever this day be at my side. To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen”
October 2 is the feast of the Guardian Angels. Every Human Being has a Guardian Angel. Br. Emmanuel, my religious education teacher for Holy Communion class made us memorize the traditional prayer to the Guardian Angel, and I have always prayed to my Guardian Angel since then. Like the saints and martyrs of Christ, we can love and seek the help of angels. This is a noble act based on orthodox Catholic teaching of angels.
It is an established Catholic teaching that every human being, from the moment of conception, has a guardian angel. It is reasonable to believe that our guardian angels minister to us till the moment of our death. Our guardian angels are constant companions in every season of our lives. It is a reliable Catholic doctrine that God appoints only one guardian angel for each human being. This angel remains a protective spirit of that person until bodily death. Angels are intelligent and pure spirit. They were created out of nothing by God, before creation of human beings. They were all created good but some, out of disobedience against God became demons. With the exception of the Sadducees, all believers in God in the Old and New Testaments professed belief in angels. Catholics believe in the protective ministry of the angels and are encouraged to go to their guardian angels and indeed talk directly to them. God does not leave us unprotected, he sends his angels to watch over us as King David affirms: “For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 91:11). I want to seize the moment to say Thank You to St. Michael's Guard for their angelic ministry at our parish Eucharistic celebrations.
October is also the month of devotion to the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As we celebrate Christ our Hope in this month of Respect Life, we have no better person to fly to than Mary, mother of life. Mary is our sure source of hope in this time when our faith is placed on trial in the court of secularism. Our Mother Mary with our guardian angels will accompany us throughout life as beacons of hope. The rosary is the weapon of choice as we continue to wage war against culture of death. Please go often to Mary, pray her rosary daily to help enthrone and sustain culture of life in the world.
“Go to the Madonna. Love her! Always say the Rosary. Say it well. Say it often as you can! Be souls of prayer. Never tire of praying, it is what is essential. Prayer shakes the Heart of God, it obtains necessary graces!”-St. Pio of Pietrelcina.
Can you commit to a daily recitation of the Rosary during the month of October? Go to Mary!
In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Bernard Oniwe, OP