Celebrating the Class of 2020 High School Seniors
Congratulations to the class of 2020 Seniors of our parish! I think of your graduation in terms of the feast of the Ascension of the Lord we celebrated on Thursday, May 21. In many ways, your academic achievement is a form of rising to a higher position. You have worked hard and scaled several hurdles to get to where you are; you have earned this success and deserve our applauds. As we think of Jesus' Ascension to heaven as a source of hope for all believers, so should you find hope for a better future as you graduate from high school. The roads have been rough, yet your courage, resilience, and faith took you through it.
The journey is not over; it continues. The struggle is not over; it continues. I remember a rallying call, a Latin phrase, from my days in college as an active member of a Student Union demonstration for justice, reduced tuition fees, and a better living condition on campus for students from college authority. To boost their collective spirit, we would cry out to the mobilized student body, "Aluta continua, victoria ascerta" (the struggle continues, victory is certain!). Let the spirit behind this saying be a source of encouragement to you when you face life struggles that still await you in the future. You are already experiencing part of it like everyone in the present restrictions placed on our lives by Covid-19. You must not be discouraged by uncertainties of life or cowered in terror to the hazards of human life. Instead, let the challenges that life will present in various forms draw out the best in you-courage, resourcefulness, creativity, doggedness, and a deeper faith in Jesus Christ, your best friend in any situation whatsoever. Victory is certain when you face all odds with all the rigors of energy God has endowed you. You are in my prayers and always remember the church is with you and behind you.
On this note, on behalf of the entire parish, I extend words of congratulations to the following class of 2020 Seniors :
Lancaster Catholic HS
Hope Amanda Abel
Nicholas Thomas Barb
Jillian Grace Bradley
Gabrielle Anna Bruno
Kathryn Theresa Keane
Aaron Joshua Kern
Zygmunt Anthony Mikula
Tyla Janae Smith
Ian Paul Witkowski
Bishop McDevitt HS
Morgan Anna Molnar
Elizabethtown HS
Jared Salvador Alvarez
Brody Beach
Emily Madison Ball
Alexandra Collman
Leah Elizabeth Covaleski
Camille Donahue
Madisyn Jane Ealy
Gavin Gilhool
Matthew Goodling
Lauren Nicole Hottenstein
Logan Lauver
Matthew McCorkle
Kristin McEvoy
Alexander Miller
Noah Rebert
Dugan Reiman
Cole Michael Rice
Ellen Ruth Schlosser
Connor Schramm
Andrew Jacob Telenko
Kimberly Wolf
Ryan Yencha