Mysterium Fidei
The solemnity we celebrate today, the mystery of the Holy Trinity, above all things, invites the response of human glory, honor, and adoration. In the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, we are offered the “central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is, therefore, the source of all the other mysteries of faith” (CCC 234). In this mystery of God’s revelation of himself to humans, we can only stand in awe at his incomprehensible majesty. Yet we have enough knowledge of the triune God unveiled to us to generate faith and worship. Hence we often begin our private prayers and sacramental liturgies “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. In short, “The faith of all Christians rests on the Trinity” (CCC 232).
God’s hiddenness is revealed in the trinity. The revelation of God’s inmost being as a Trinity is not the fruit of human reason, it is a gift of God’s unveiling of himself as far as possible for human comprehension. We can observe traces of triune God in Creation and Scriptures, but our humanity cannot fully know the essence of God. Yet, the mystery of faith calls for worship and adoration. It is a gift of faith, a cheer grace to believe in the Holy Trinity. This mystery is one of the mysteries of our Christian faith. It is the source of our faith in the Eucharistic mysteries, a mystery the church has always devoutly guarded and treasured. The Eucharist is a pledge of Christ’s immense love for his body the Church. This ineffable gift of grace, the mystery of faith calls for veneration and worship (Mysterium Fidei, 1, Pope Paul VI). As with the mystery of the Trinity, the Holy Eucharist as a mystery of faith invites above all our awe and adoration. This is the most immediate response to the mystery of faith. This is a testimony to our Christian faith.
In this order of thought, therefore, I invite you, my beloved brothers and sisters, to glorify the Holy Trinity this Sunday and extend that worship to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ when we celebrate the solemnity of Corpus Christi next Sunday. We as a people of faith, have been privileged and loved by God to the extent of the revelation of his hidden mystery to us. We must reciprocate that generous gesture by a public act of faith in the Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. God is truly and always in our midst in the Holy Eucharist. Please let us make it a priority and a pious act of importance by turning out in large numbers to bear public witness to our faith in the mysterium fidei that is the Eucharist, a fruit of the central mystery of faith, the Holy Trinity.
Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Fr. Bernard, OP