As we enter the final days of advent, we have a cause for rejoicing. Gaudete, rejoice! This is the liturgical clarion call this Sunday. In 1 Thessalonian 5, St. Paul asks us to rejoice always. With the theme of rejoicing in the nearness of the coming of Jesus Christ in mind, I want to express my joy at the visit of our shepherd, Bishop Timothy Senior, to our parish last Sunday. He presided at the 10:30 am mass and shared a message of consolation and reconciliation with us. Many of us not only attended the mass but attended the reception as well and got to meet with the bishop. Seeing a long line of people chatting with the bishop as they went toward the food and refreshment table was beautiful.
I rejoice at the fellowship we all had. I am glad that we were able to pull off a successful celebration. All thanks to all who brought desserts and drinks. Special thanks to our CCW and others who helped prepare things and clean up after. Thanks to the St. Michael Guards and other liturgical ministers. All of you are a source of joy to us all. Our parish comprises lovely and joyful people, and my name is Joy (Ayo). There is a cause for rejoicing here!
Please remember that next Sunday is the last day of Advent, immediately followed by Christmas Eve masses on Sunday and a mass on Monday, Christmas day! Two consecutive days of obligation occur next week. What a double blessing we have ahead of us. Double graces in the offing. Plan to attend masses on both days of obligation. The bulletin contains all the days and times. Also, this is a reminder that our Advent parish mission is tonight. The Irish Tenor, Mark Forrest, will be with us again this year. Do not miss it.
Be joyful!
Fr. Alayode Bernard Oniwe, OP