Metanoia Now!
“But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!” (Lk 13:5). Those were the words of Jesus to the tragic events that bedeviled Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifice and the eighteen people who died when the tower oat Siloam fell on them. The lesson to be learned from these Galileans' sudden, tragic death is not the punishment due to their sin or being worse sinners than those who narrated the news of their death to Jesus. Instead, the lesson for us is the urgency to repent and cease to resist God’s mercy and kindness in offering us forgiveness of sins repented.
Now, today is the day for us to make a U-turn from our sinful ways to a life of grace. Now, not later, tomorrow is the time to repent, to do penance, to be open to the transformation of consciousness. Today is the time to embrace a new way of thinking, a renewal of mind, a change of vision, and attitudes. This shift in mindset is what the New Testament Greek calls Metanoia. It is an urgent request; we can’t afford to push it to another day.
Seeing the tragic death of children and innocent ones in Ukraine and our own country due to violence makes us call to mind the bad things that can happen to good people. Sometimes, it is the suddenness and unexpectedness of the good. This is why Jesus is giving us, as he did his Jewish listeners, the wake-up call, a warning not to procrastinate. God is patient and lenient, but the period of grace of mercy is not forever; there is a time limit. The parable of the fig tree illustrates this. If we are not productive of the good fruit of repentance within the time given us, we may miss the opportunity. Why delay? Why put till tomorrow what you can do NOW? Metanoia Now! Repent of sin now, not later. Time to change perspective and consciousness is not limitless—this season of Lent is the defining, kairotic moment.
Will you do a Holy Spirit-inspired examination of conscience today and go to confession this week? Additional opportunities are provided during Lent in our parish to receive the Sacrament of healing, confession, reconciliation, and penance. Repent, or perish. Metanoia Now!
This third Sunday of Lent, we hold First Scrutiny for our parish Elect, Sadie Fleming. Please offer prayers for Sadie as she prepares for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.
Don’t forget to celebrate the Annunciation of the Lord this Friday by attending mass.
In His Mercy and Compassion,
Fr. Bernard